P26 Conclusions and Evaluation of the project: Experiences of our participants

We have gathered all the experiences from all the sectors that have been part of the Erasmus+ KA229 ” Enrichment is the result  of meeting” to have real opinions and value the development of the project.

Here, in this photo book you will find the four countries, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain, and  in each one the opinions of the teachers, school staff, families involved in the mobilities,members of the direction teams and every member of the educative community.

It is a great resource to value the experience and hard work done in this project.

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Live under my skin: Be like me

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In the activity P24 al the schools have worked
on inclusion and diversity. Students have been part of activities under the
title “Live under my skin: Be like me”. The Spanish school has Autism
Development Program together with a General Development Disorder program, they
will provide materials.

Students have being conscious of the
difficulties of disabled people.

They have known how blind people manage to
move around or how they managed to read using the Braille alphabet.


We have used videos to show students how
pupils with autism can hear sounds very loudly and what is normal for us will
be disturbing for them (voice level at class when working with will help them
to know how they will behave under their circumstances).


All the schools have looked for braille adaptations
and pictograms in their cities and have taken photos of them

They have also written some conclusions about
these adaptations that have being gather together in this digital book.

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During this activity, the middle school students had the opportunity to reflect on differences and their perception in the Italian society, using official sources and comparing them with the local reality and with those of their own families.
The results were displayed in an exhibition open to students, teachers and families.
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This is how we live it


You can find our video here:


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Job shadowing - 21st-27th November 2021

From 21st to 27th 2021 the Istituto Comprensivo “Taliercio”  had the honor of hosting the first mobility of the Eramsus + project “Enrichment is the result of meeting”. 

A moment of sharing and exchanging between teachers, with a focus on inclusive teaching in our schools.

Although, due to the restrictions linked to the pandemic, the teachers were unable to work closely with our students, the teachers were able to visit our schools and learn more about our teaching methodologies.

Click on the link to visit Carrara

We had the opportunity to discuss the rules, rules and strategies to face the difficult challenges that schools across Europe have had to face due to Covid-19, especially with distance learning and the use of new technologies..

Coding @ school

The main focus of our experience was to spread the use of Coding as a tool for inclusion in European schools.

In fact, in our schools, children begin to approach coding from the age of 3. This language is particularly engaging and motivating for pupils with special needs.

Teachers had the opportunity to experiment with hands-on activities, creating real lessons that could be carried out in the classes, with pupils from 3 to 13 years old.


Meeting with the Major

The Mayor of Carrara, prof. Francesco De Pasquale, received the delegation of teachers participating in the project in the Council Chamber of the Municipality.

On this occasion he reiterated the importance for our city, famous all over the world for its marble, of exchanges with the nations of Europe and with the whole world, with a view to sharing and enriching the city and its population.

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Giuseppe Taliercio Institute is in Marina di Carrara, a district of Carrara municipality set in a lovely landscape whose frame is made up of the Apuan Alps at the back and the Tyrrhenian sea at the front, there are about 62.000 residents living in the area.


Carrara is well-known all over the world for its marble quarries, especially white marble, which drew a lot of important artists like Michelangelo to come and work here.


The school provides education at different levels

  • Kindergarten “Lunense” (3 to 6 Yrs)
  • Nursery school “Giampaoli” (3 to 6 Yrs)
  • Primary school “Doganella” ( 6 to 10 Yrs)
  • Primary school“A.M. Menconi” (6 to 10 Yrs)
  • Primary school “Giromini”(6 to 10 Yrs)
  • Lower secondary school  “Taliercio” (11 to 13 Yrs)

In our school there are 800 students and  100 teachers. The students’ families are of different social classes but in  a wide percentage of them both parents are employed and cultured.

There is a small number of foreign pupils: our school looks after them to promote integration through  welcoming occasions and specific educational paths; among the student community there are a lot of pupils with Special Needs: during the years we have been working for them to set welcoming and integration procedures so as to become a really inclusive school.


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